Sunday, August 26, 2007

To start again...

Well, I trust you all traveled back home and are rested. This past week was a strong experience for all of us; one not easily forgotten. Out of respect for your pursuit of ideas and accomplishments to date, I ask that no time gets wasted. There is much to do in the next three weeks. Please post as much of your intensive work as possible before Monday night. By Tuesday, we should see development of ideas based on comments during the final review.

David - consider effects of the slice on the building and site
Rick - quick studies three story circulation + developing an envelope
Matt - quick studies meeting the sky and organizing levels in plan and section
Jaclyn - turning the corner - inhabiting the poche'
Eddie - cutting sections - editing ideas
Gus - gathering or connecting - pedestrian movement vs viewing platforms
Kara - plans - sections defining architecture of store
Amr - cutting sections - defining speed of volumes

tomorrow I plan to subscribe to your sites (on my laptop not home computer). For now, email me notice of updates -

stay focused, post to your affinity groups and then some, email or even call when necessary...


Eddie Alvarado said...


Thank you for all your help during the intensive and more to come. I am at the Cape and heading home by wednesday. I am already working on the edits as per the critique. If you could re-route all e-mails to me at:


Eddie A.

Amr Raafat said...
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